Moist, delicious macaroon cookies smothered in pumpkin-spiced white chocolate and crunchy pecans. A little taste of fall….in one delicious bite!
So I’ve come to the conclusion that life is really trying to teach me a lesson….particularly in the area of child rearing, and specifically in the area of other people’s opinions of my child rearing. Ever since Ellia was a baby, I have had an uncanny ability to attract the opinions and advice of others….especially people I don’t know, and most often in grocery stores! The first time it happened, Ellia was just a couple months old and very colicky….and I had stopped to pick up a few things we desperately needed. Because she was colicky, I had her strapped to my chest in a Baby Bjorn, and because it was 90-some degrees out, I had her in a one piece outfit with no socks. Those were my first….and second….mistakes!
As we walked through the grocery store and Ellia screamed (because that’s what colicky babies do, regardless of when it is or where you are) I was suddenly stopped by a middle aged woman who told me, point blank, that I should NOT have my baby at the grocery store. She was a nurse, she said… she knew these things. Not only should I not have her at the grocery store, I should not have her arms and legs exposed….AND….the reason she was crying was because I didn’t have any socks on her! “She’s freezing!” she told me, “No wonder she’s screaming!” And went on to lecture me for several more minutes until I finally had to walk away… keep from absolutely losing it.
Then there was the time I was at the grocery store with all three kids, and the express lane opened up. Despite the fact that I had too many groceries to be “express”, the cashier invited me into the lane. And as I started unloading my cart, wouldn’t you know, a woman shows up behind me who simply CAN NOT believe that I am in the express lane! And with all those kids! After a few rude comments and dirty glances at my kids, with utter disgust, she starts angrily unloading my groceries for me! As if I’m not doing it quickly enough for her….as if I clearly can’t handle grocery shopping AND children! It was all I could do to keep from smacking her hand mid-air as it held on to my bag of tortilla chips….but I didn’t….because I didn’t want to cause more of a scene that I clearly already had!
More recently, there was the time….again, at the grocery store….when I made the mistake of letting Ellia return our cart by herself. Instantly, I was being cornered by an older man who let me know just how careless and irresponsible I was being by letting my young daughter out of my sight, even for a minute. “How would you feel if you never saw her again?” he asked. “Because all it takes is a minute.” And, true to form, that lecture lasted a solid few minutes before I finally called it quits…..because, truthfully, I had had enough! Seriously…..I’ve had enough!!
But….apparently I haven’t learned my lesson just yet….because just last night, when we were out to dinner to celebrate Jorden’s birthday with his family, the woman across from us had something to say, too! Granted, the kids were with their cousins and everyone was getting a little wild (especially after the employees brought them each a balloon sword), but still…..they’re just kids! After about 37 dirty looks, rude comments, and eye rolls in our direction, she finally turned to the rest of her table and, loud enough for us to hear, asked, “Are they EVER going to go HOME???”
Now. It is clearly up to me how much I am going to let the opinions of people I don’t even know bother me! But the truth is….IT BOTHERS ME!! Every time it happens I can feel my blood start to boil and it is all I can do to maintain a level head. At the root of it, I know the reason it bothers me so much is because it always makes me wonder if those other people are right….if I should, in fact, be doing things differently! I question myself A LOT as a mom, and anytime someone else questions my parenting, it touches on my own insecurities and uncertainties.
I wish I could say I know how to change that….but the truth is I don’t. What I DO know is that it feels great to have things I KNOW I’m doing well….things I know I’m doing right! Like making sure my kids get enough sleep, making sure they don’t spend hours in front of a screen, making sure they eat foods that are good for them, through and through. Which brings me to these delicious little treats I’m sharing with you today. I was recently introduced to an awesome company called Immaculate Baking, a small company that offers a range of refrigerated dough made from natural, non-GMO ingredients. I have fallen in love with the company, their philosophy, and their products. And, like all refrigerated dough, I love the fact that it allows me to make delicious treats in a fraction of the time! Immaculate Baking recently introduced this amazing Coconut Macaroon cookie dough to their line-up, which inspired me to make these Pumpkin Pecan Spice Macaroons.
Every now and then, it’s nice to have something you KNOW you can feel good about….and even nicer when it tastes good, too.
Pumpkin Pecan Spice Macaroons
1 (14 oz.) package Coconut Macaroon cookie dough (makes 12)
6 oz. white chocolate coating (white chocolate chips or CandiQuik)
3/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/3 c. ground pecans
12 pecan halves
1. Bake cookies according to package instructions. Cool completely.
2. Melt white chocolate over low heat, stirring constantly. Add pumpkin pie spice and stir to combine.
3. Dip cooled macaroons into spiced white chocolate approx. halfway, then dip in ground pecans.
4. Top each cookie with a dollop of the white chocolate mixture and a pecan half.
*Can also be made with homemade coconut macaroons (recipe here)
Betty Daniels says
These cookies look delicious.
BTW – You are a great mom! I don’t understand how some people can be so intrusive and nasty to others, especially moms trying to get groceries with their kiddos. ☺
Erin says
I’m not ready for pumpkin yet, but these are definitely making me warm up to it!
Shann Soiney says
You’re a great mom, Cathy. That lady last night was plain R-U-D-E. I hope the chef tried to throw a shrimp and hit her in her grumpy face.
ps. It was definitely the Balloon guy’s fault..who was a little weird, by the way. 🙂
Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea says
People are SO irritating…really, has it been that long since they’ve had a little joy (ok and let’s face it, at times…terror?) Everybody has an opinion…everybody has to make some judgement…well, not everybody but those types of people. Trust me, it’s happenned to me, to the point where I really wish there were seperate islands for those who prefer to live in a world of judgement and craziness. We just need to stick together and treat one another with kindness and respect! I could go on and on but I won’t. Instead, I’ll tuck this recipe away for one of those days and go from there…! You are a fabulous Mom! 🙂 says
Ah Cathy, you summed up what we all feel as mom’s. Aren’t we all questioning ourselves? I feel if I give my kids too much freedom then people will judge me for that, if I reign in that freedom, do people think I’m too controlling? Are me kids quiet enough? Are they polite enough? I don’t think we can ever stop. Our kids are a reflection and extension of us to some extent. I suspect you are doing a fine job. For one thing, I KNOW your kids are well fed! I’ve never seen Macaroon cookie dough?
Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust says
Okay 1: Judgey people suck.
2: I MUST FIND THAT COOKIE DOUGH. These are amazing!
Bonnie and Trish @ Uncommon says
Oh girl..from a mom of a former colicky baby { who is now 14 years old } I hear ya. I got told all kinds of things. Keep your head up! 😉
Julie Corbisiero says
Hi, this looks so awesome and delicious! I love macaroons. I saw it on made by you monday.
Julie from
Lyuba @ Will Cook For Smiles says
I’m droooooling here!
Stephanie Daigneault says
Love pumpkin, love pecans and love macaroons! <3
Heather SettingforFour says
Hi Cathy! I just wanted to let you know I featured you in my blog post for Bright Settings! Love your macaroon recipe!
Heather Kinnaird says
what a terrific idea! LOVE these
Sarah @ Miss Candiquik says
THESE look amazing. P.s. never look at friend’s blogs when craving sweets. Ugh. 😉
Julie @ Tastes of Lizzy T says
Can you believe I’ve never had a macaroon? But if I were going to make some, they’d definitely be pumpkin spice!
Jamie+@+Love+Bakes+Good+Cakes says
Seriously, people can be so mean and intrusive. It’s not always easy to keep a level head with unsolicited advice or rude comments from strangers – been there … and honestly, I give you a ton of credit! Those cookies – I love Immaculate Baking products and I love how you were able to jazz up those cookies! 🙂