Fresh romaine lettuce topped with sliced, baked potatoes and all the fixings!
Do you ever just have moments with your kids where you look at them and wonder, “Who are you??” Yesterday was one of those days with Ellia, right from the moment she got off the bus in the afternoon. She came storming into the house, all up in arms over something that had happened on the bus and ready to march next door and tell the mom all about it. We had a crew here working on fixing the drain tiles in our basement (ugh!) so before I could stop her, she was back out the door….on a mission.
Once that was taken care of, I casually mentioned to her that we would need to be leaving soon because I had a hot date at the courthouse to contest a speeding ticket (double ugh!) Immediately the questions started flying: “You got a speeding ticket? When did that happen? Was Nora with you? Where were you going? How fast were you going? Have you ever gotten a ticket before? What will happen at the courthouse??” She was basically giving me the third degree…..and was not very content with ANY of my answers!
Then, when we got there and discovered the line was out the door and across the parking lot, and there were ZERO parking spots anywhere in the vicinity of the courthouse, a whole new round of questions began! “What are we going to do? Do we HAVE to go inside? What happens if we don’t?” Oh…..and “Why did you get a speeding ticket in the first place?????” Let’s just say that after circling the parking lot about 18 times with absolutely no luck (people were actually parking illegally left and right, making it nearly impossible for me to fit my van through certain places) we left. Ticket in hand. No contest.
Despite the fact that nothing {really} happened in those 2-3 hours after school, by the time we got home, I was exhausted! I felt like I had been through battle. And, in a way, I guess I had. Ellia came home from school absolutely loaded……and she didn’t stop until she had unloaded. All of it!! Hopefully today is a little quieter, but you better believe I’ll be bracing myself for another loaded afternoon….just in case. Speaking of loaded, this salad is just that. LOADED from top to bottom with all kinds of goodness! The kind of loaded I prefer, if you know what I mean!
Loaded Baked Potato Salad
- 1 romaine lettuce heart
- 2 small potatoes 1/2 c, thinly sliced and baked or pan fried in 1 Tbsp. olive oil
- 1/2 cup grape tomatoes halved
- 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
- 2 pieces bacon cooked
- 2 Tablespoons crumbled Gorgonzola cheese
- 2 Tablespoons sour cream
- 1 Tablespoon half & half
- 1 Tablespoon fresh chives chopped
- 1/8 teaspoon onion powder
- 1/8 teaspoon garlic salt
- fresh ground pepper to taste
- Assemble salad on a large plate or bowl.
- Top with dressing.
- Combine all ingredients and whisk until smooth.
Meaghan+Voigt says
this. looks. awesome! I love loaded potatoes, so why NOT make it into a salad! 🙂
Krista+@+Joyful+Healthy+Eats says
Wow!! Now this looks delicious… especially with that gorgonzola cheese!! YUM Cathy!
Jessica says
We have those moments, A LOT! And for me, it seems if it’s not one of my girlies, it’s another!!! They can be a handful and although so sweet, drive you crazy at the same time! Just think you’re about to add one more 😉 Ok, now confession time: In college, I used to hit Wendys and buy a plain potato and a ceaser side salad. I’d stuff the salad into the potato! So, this is RiGHT up my ally – but yours looks insanely delicious and so much better! On the weekend agenda 🙂 Thanks my friend !!!!
Mary Frances @ The Sweet {Tooth} Life says
This is my kind of loaded. I’m pretty sure everyone has those days! Thank goodness for the weekend! I LOVE potato salad, like flat out could eat it every day forever kind of love. This loaded version sounds amazing!
Cindy@DIYbeautify says
Oh man, I can feel your pain! I got a speeding ticket on my way to my yearly pap..ugh. To make it even better, it was three cops writing out the ticket…a car and a motorbike…like I was some kind of dangerous criminal! I think they were training a rookie 😉 YUCK. Anyway, the salad looks seriously amazing and I plan to make it very soon! Pinned. Thank you!! Here’s to moms with lead feet 😉
Norma+|+Allspice+and+Nutmeg says
I love all the ingredients in this salad. Delicious!
Kelley. says
Ill take this loaded potato salad over loaded little lady. Lol. My daughter gets like that sometimes too with the questions and I really wonder “who are you?!” So many questions for such a little person! Hope your speeding ticket gets taken care of! But in the mean time.. that salad. Swoooon!
Kimber says
Seriously amazing! I so want to dive into my computer screen and take a big bite!
LauraO|Petite+Allergy+Treats says
We’ve ALL had those days… But, Ellis did have a good question. Where were you speeding? (So I can avoid the same fate!)
Julie V. says
This looks really tasty. Is it served hot?
When I make it I might have to put some hot sauce into the dressing. Thanks for the ideas. I’m pinning this for later.
Rach+@+EazyPeazyMealz says
Cathy! This is such a fun idea. Yum.
Julie says
Oh my goodness…all of these salads are drool worthy! Thank you for linking up to Inspiration Monday Party, Cathy! Your Loaded Baked Potato Salad will be featured on “Redhead’s Kitchen” this Wednesday! Congrats!
Julie+@+Julie's+Eats+&+Treats says
I think you need a big bowl of ice cream after that! Or this potato salad. Looks amazing!
Jessi @ Practically Functional says
Oh my gosh, my husband would absolutely LOVE this! He is such a huge fan of baked potatoes! Pinning this for sure, and I just wanted to let you know that I featured this on my blog this morning; thanks for sharing at the Creativity Unleashed link party!
Carol G says
OMG, I tried this recipe tonight it was soooooo good. My only comment is that there needed to be a little more dressing and I have noted that for the next time I make this. We just LOVED the flavors, thank you!!!
Julie says
My whole family loved this recipe. It’s become one of our favorites! It’s a good salad that even our picky eaters enjoy. Thank you!
Cathy Trochelman says
So happy to hear that!